Mastering Double Unders: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners - PurposeBuilt

Mastering Double Unders: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Whether you're new to CrossFit or have been training for a while, one thing is certain: mastering double unders can be a challenging and frustrating endeavour. Double unders, which involve passing the skipping rope under your feet twice with each jump, require a combination of correct jump height, controlled rope spinning, and keeping your arms down by your side. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the process of learning double unders into a step-by-step progression, providing you with the strategies and techniques needed to master this skill. So let's dive in and get started!

Step 1: Single Unders

Before diving into double unders, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in single unders. Single unders are when the rope passes under your feet just once during a normal-height jump. To practice single unders, ensure that you are not pausing between spins and that you rebound immediately after each jump. Aim to be able to do roughly 50 unbroken single unders, as this indicates that you have the stamina required for double unders.

Step 2: Power Jumping

Once you have mastered single unders, it's time to work on your jump technique. Power jumping is a key element in mastering the timing of double unders. Practice jumping without the rope, focusing on achieving a higher jump than you would during single unders. This exercise will help you develop the ability to absorb the landing correctly and quickly rebound into the next jump.

Step 3: One Double Under

Now it's time to attempt your first double under. Start with just one and make sure you are using a good quality speed rope that you are familiar with.

Here's our top recommendation for a rope to practice with!

Begin with a few warm-up jumps using "big singles," where you jump with a higher double under jump but only spin the rope once under your feet. Once you feel comfortable, go for your first double under attempt. Jump as high as you can while spinning the rope quickly. The goal in this step is to get comfortable with hitting that first double under consistently.

Step 4: One Double Under, with More Spins

Once you can consistently hit one double under, it's time to work on jumping momentum. Start with a single double under and then try to keep the rope spinning. The goal here is to allow the rope to keep spinning so that you can maintain your momentum and continue jumping. This exercise will help you transition from jumping in an uncontrolled manner to being able to land and control your rebound jump while the rope continues to spin.

Step 5: Single Under - Double Under

By this point, you should have a good understanding of keeping the rope spinning between double under reps. The next step is to minimize the number of singles between each double under. Instead of doing 5+ singles between each double under, aim to find the rhythm of "single-double, single-double, single-double." This step will help you develop the jump endurance, rope control, and jump height required to string double unders together.

Step 6: Unbroken Double Unders

Now it's time to take a stab at unbroken double unders. Start with a goal of completing two unbroken reps. Focus on controlling your landing, keeping your toes pointed down, and engaging your calves throughout the movement. As you progress, aim to increase the number of consecutive double unders you can perform. Remember, this is a gradual process, so be patient and consistent with your practice.

Step 7: 50 Unbroken, Every Time

The final step in mastering double unders is to continue working on bigger sets of unbroken reps. The ultimate goal is to be able to consistently perform 25, then 50 unbroken double unders. This may take a lot of practice and patience, but with time and dedication, you will get there. Focus on maintaining proper form and controlling your breathing as you increase the number of reps. Celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way.

Additional Tips for Double Unders

In addition to following the step-by-step progression, here are some extra tips to help you improve your double unders:

  • Get your own jump rope: Using a consistent rope length and handle style will make a significant difference in your practice. Check out this jump rope for a great starter!
  • Listen to the "click click" of your rope: Pay attention to the sound the rope makes as it clicks on the ground with each spin. This will help you find the right rhythm.
  • Film yourself: If you don't have a coach to provide feedback, set up your phone and record yourself. This will help you identify any mistakes you may be making and allow you to make necessary adjustments.

Double Under Drills for Beginners

Here are three of our favourite double under drills for beginners:

Penguin Claps

This drill helps you learn the cadence needed for double unders. Start by doing power jumps (big jumps) and then clap the sides of your hips twice while in the air.

Big Singles

Practising big singles will help you set up your jump correctly for double unders. Power jump with your rope in hand, but only pass the rope under your feet once. Remember to jump higher than you would during normal single unders.

5x Big Singles, 1x Double

Once you feel comfortable with big singles, try incorporating a double under into the sequence. Perform five big singles, followed by one double under. Repeat this pattern to work on your double under timing.


Mastering double unders takes time, patience, and consistent practice. By following the step-by-step progression outlined in this guide, you will build a solid foundation and develop the necessary skills to perform double unders with ease.

Remember to focus on proper technique, control your breathing, and celebrate each milestone along the way. With dedication and perseverance, you will conquer double unders and take your CrossFit and functional fitness training to new heights!

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