Unlocking the Health Benefits of Skipping: A Must-Have Addition to Your Training Routine - PurposeBuilt

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Skipping: A Must-Have Addition to Your Training Routine


Jumping rope may seem like a childhood activity, but it's actually a powerful tool for improving your health and fitness. Whether you're a professional athlete or just starting out on your fitness journey, incorporating skipping into your training routine can yield impressive results.

At PurposeBuilt, we believe in understanding the purpose behind the exercises we do. The benefits of jumping rope are plentiful, and it's a fantastic alternative to running or cardio machines. Here are just a few reasons why skipping should be part of your training:


Improves cardiovascular health and heart health

Jumping rope is a cardiovascular exercise that improves the transportation of blood around the body, carrying more oxygen and nutrients. It also increases your VO2 max, bringing more cardiovascular endurance and aerobic capacity. This is particularly beneficial for those at risk of cardiovascular disease.


Improves coordination

Skipping requires coordination and motor skills. Studies have highlighted the benefits of jump rope usage to improve balance and coordination. As you progress to advanced movements such as double unders, you'll improve your coordination even more. The PurposeBuilt Sustain Rope is a great rope to master your double unders with!


Reduces risk of injury

Skipping can strengthen tendons, ligaments, and musculature of the lower body, particularly around the calves. It's also a lower-impact alternative to running, making it easier on your joints.


Psychological Benefits

Jumping rope also has psychological benefits. It significantly improves brain functions, helping you to think faster and instinctively react better. Plus, it releases the "feel-good" hormones known as Endorphin, Dopamine, and Serotonin, reducing depressive moods and boosting mental energy and endurance.


Burning Calories

Skipping is a great way to burn calories, whether you're using a speed rope alone or mixing it in with bodyweight movements, gymnastics, or weightlifting in a CrossFit workout. It's a great way to increase intra-workout intensity and training volume.


Incorporating jumping rope into your workout routine is easy. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Jump rope for 5-10 minutes as a warm-up before your main workout.
  • Add in small intervals (30-60 seconds) of jump rope work between exercises to create a workout in itself.
  • Add 2-3 minutes of steady jump roping between sets of resistance training exercises for an active rest.


Jumping rope is a versatile, effective, and fun way to improve your health and fitness. Stay tuned for more posts on how to incorporate jump ropes into your training sessions, along with some great jump rope workouts.

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